Curated Catering
Party Provisioning
Vibe Making
We are the Party People.
H COLE is comprised of a tribe of persnickety people who are deeply passionate about providing exceptional experiences. While no two clients are alike, as such neither are two parties. Steeped in thought, intention + care every time a guest attends an H COLE event, they are enveloped in a handcrafted approach to hospitality. We’re humbled you’re here. Explore through our offerings and be sure to Drop Us a Line when you’re ready to start your epicurean adventure.
it's a delicious life, by the sea shore
it's a delicious life, by the sea shore •

Be Sure to Explore Our Offerings and Our Process before Inquiring:
Our logo was not outsourced to a marketing agency where we workshopped what fonts and typefaces evoke emotion, rather it was lifted from the likeness of the lobster buoy branding iron that adorned the hands of our founders’ Great Uncle Howard “Mecca” Cole for decades. To Us, H COLE is more than a marker on a piece of vibrantly colored styrofam that floats on the top of a trawl of traps - it is a symbol of stewardship of this land, these people, and celebrating this Delicious Life, by the Sea Shore.
H COLE was a Lobsterman, a Cranberry Farmer, a Firefighter and most importantly, a mentor. An overall good time guy who didn’t say much.
While our New England Goods + Experiences evoke joy, bring vibes, and saturate our guests in a taste of place, they do so in utility - with thought, intention + care.
We’re humbled you are here. Let’s make some magic.