about the artist:
Kevin Cole is an American photographer and the retired Director of Photography of the Herald-American known for his striking imagery and ability to capture the essence of his subjects. His work often explores themes of identity, culture, and the human experience, utilizing various styles and techniques to convey emotion and moments in time. Cole's contributions have not only shaped photojournalism in his region but also influenced broader conversations about visual storytelling in the media. His work often blends journalistic rigor with artistic sensibility, earning him accolades and a Pulitzer Prize for both individual images and comprehensive photo essays. Cole is a Scituate native who raised his family in Plymouth, where he currently resides.
All pre-orders must be submitted on the H COLE Website.
Pre-Orders before 11/15 can be picked up at Afterglow Fine Art + Gallery during the show’s run of 11/22 - 12/1 in Scituate.
Shipping is calculated from Humarock Zip Code 02047 through the USPS.
Any image can be custom quoted on stretch canvas with floating frames.
Shipped Pre-Orders will open on Friday, November 1st. All Holiday orders must be placed by 12/10 to ensure proper printing, framing + shipping in time for Hanukkah + Christmas.
minots ledge light art submissions:
Like the previous shows at Kjeld Mahoney’s Afterglow Fine Art + Gallery, we will be displaying original works from local artists - this time inspired by either Kevin Cole’s iconic shot from The Blizzard of ‘78 or their own interpretation of the beacon that blasts I Love You. If accepted, there is a $20 hang fee for the show, a 60/40 commission split with the gallery and submissions can be sent directly to Afterglow: kjeld@kjeldm.com - most sales are paid out seven days after the reception.
private viewings / gallery gatherings:
Fixing to consume + gift art this holiday season? We have teamed up with Kjeld to offer private viewings and shopping experiences for up to 49 guests at Afterglow Fine Art through the end of the year. What better way to be transported to the sea through original photographs + mixed media pieces while indulging in cheese, libations + cheer. To inquire about date availability and food + beverage packages, drop us a line: heythere@hcoleclub.com